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About Me

About Me

Hey there! I am Bhaswanth Ayapilla, and I am an incoming student at the Masters in Robotic Systems Development (MRSD) program at Carnegie Mellon University. I am in my final year pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering at BITS Pilani Hyderabad, with a focused minor in Robotics and Automation.

My academic journey has been fueled by an unwavering passion for robotics, reinforcement learning, and deep learning, serving as the cornerstone of my educational endeavors and professional aspirations.

During my undergraduate tenure, I completed my thesis at the Institute for Systems and Robotics, Lisbon under the supervision of Dr. David Cabecinhas and Dr. Pedro Batista in underwater robotics. Check out my work here: Autonomous Underwater Glider Simulator.

Additionally, I worked as a summer intern at the Multi-Agent Robotic Motion Laboratory, National University of Singapore under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Sartoretti on multi-agent traffic signal control using reinforcement learning.

If you are looking to collaborate or would like to have a chat, please reach out to me via email.