Home Persistence of Vision Wand

Persistence of Vision Wand


POV (Persistence of Vision) is a kind of optical illusion in which a visual image seems to persist even when the light from it ceases to enter our eyes. This can be used to make POV displays where we can display text, images, gifs, etc.


Arduino Uno1
LED (Red)19
Resistors 220 ohm19
Perf board1
Header pins20
Toggle switch1


  1. Soldering iron


  1. Take a perf board and cut it to the required size for 20 LEDs.

  2. Solder the LEDs in a single line with all Anode on the same side.

  3. Attach 220 resistors beside each LED and solder them.

  4. Add toggle switch to turn on the display whenever the the switch is turned on.

  5. Solder wires to anode of each LED and common Gnd.



Pin connections:

Top of wand

1                       Digital Pin 13

2                       Digital Pin 12

3                       Digital Pin 11

4                       Digital Pin 10

5                       Digital Pin 9

6                       Digital Pin 8

7                       Digital Pin 7

8                       Digital Pin 6

9                       Digital Pin 5

10                     Digital Pin 4

11                     Digital Pin 3

12                     Digital Pin 2

13                     Digital Pin 1

14                     Digital Pin 0

15                     Analog Pin 5

16                     Analog Pin 4

17                     Analog Pin 3

18                     Analog Pin 2

19                     Analog Pin 1

Bottom of wand



The code for the same can be found below.

Each letter of the alphabet is generated by a collection of binary arrays that are stored on the Arduino. The Arduino matches each letter to one of its stored letters as it reads the message you want to display, and then it produces the stored array column by column.



This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.