Implementing Semi-Direct Visual Odometry (SVO) on drones for autonomous navigation.
Code and ROS bag for sample implementation taken from: Github 1 Github2
Introduction POV (Persistence of Vision) is a kind of optical illusion in which a visual image seems to persist even when the light from it ceases to enter our eyes. This can be used to make POV d...
CubeD is an interactive touch-based display that lets users engage and play games. Mechanical Design CubeD consists of 200 squares hinged onto a 4 segment steel back panel. Its current dimensions...
Electronics Arduino Code #include <Servo.h> Servo myservo; int botrightpin = 5; int botleftpin = 6; int toprightpin = 9; int topleftpin = 10; int servopin = 11; int val=0; int buzzPin = ...
Autonomous Ground Vehicle
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